This is a short tutorial for image upload with random salt (haven't included any other checking like file type/size--- but you can include it)
//////////// script created by DHRUBOJYOTI DAS ///////////////////
///// picking the image and storing in variable $image1 and creating a temporary variable $tmp_image1
////////// Now the allowed extension type validation is done ///
//////////by javascript function Checkfiles1() [check below]
///////// better practice do it again b php ///////////////////
///////// You can also validate the size of the image////////
///// now creating my own salt (password fro each uploaded image)
$password = "ABCDXYZW1234567890EFGLWKMNOPQRST";
$string = str_shuffle($password);
//// uploading the image using move_uploaded_file function
//// replace your uploaded image folder name by images
$uploading = move_uploaded_file($tmp_image1, "images/".$image1_name);
echo "<font color='green'>File uploaded, now check your uploaded folder for the image throght the below link";
echo "<br/>New file name :- ". $image1_name;
////// NOTE:- when inserting into database insert ($image1_name) not ($image1)
/////// then insert it into your databse or something else
echo "<br/>Thank You from Dhrubojyoti Das</font>";
echo "Something went wrong";
echo "Upload image to check the demo";
Secure File Upload Script in PHP
function Checkfiles1()
var fup = document.getElementById('image1');
var fileName = fup.value;
var ext = fileName.substring(fileName.lastIndexOf('.') + 1);
if(ext == "gif" || ext == "GIF" || ext == "JPEG" || ext == "jpeg" || ext == "jpg" || ext == "JPG" || ext == "PNG" || ext == "png")
return true;
alert("Upload Gif or Jpg or png images only");
return false;
function validate(){
var mar=true;
var image = document.frm.image1.value;
if(image == "")
mar = false;
alert("Select your image");
return mar;
<h2>Secure image upload with random salt</h2>
<form name='frm' method='post' enctype="multipart/form-data" onsubmit='return validate();'>
Upload Image» <input type='file' name='image1' id='image1' onchange='Checkfiles1();'><br/>
<br/r><input type='submit' name='Submit' value='Upload'>
<a href='images/'>Check Uploaded Image</a>
Create the images folder
Live Demo
//////////// script created by DHRUBOJYOTI DAS ///////////////////
///// picking the image and storing in variable $image1 and creating a temporary variable $tmp_image1
////////// Now the allowed extension type validation is done ///
//////////by javascript function Checkfiles1() [check below]
///////// better practice do it again b php ///////////////////
///////// You can also validate the size of the image////////
///// now creating my own salt (password fro each uploaded image)
$password = "ABCDXYZW1234567890EFGLWKMNOPQRST";
$string = str_shuffle($password);
//// uploading the image using move_uploaded_file function
//// replace your uploaded image folder name by images
$uploading = move_uploaded_file($tmp_image1, "images/".$image1_name);
echo "<font color='green'>File uploaded, now check your uploaded folder for the image throght the below link";
echo "<br/>New file name :- ". $image1_name;
////// NOTE:- when inserting into database insert ($image1_name) not ($image1)
/////// then insert it into your databse or something else
echo "<br/>Thank You from Dhrubojyoti Das</font>";
echo "Something went wrong";
echo "Upload image to check the demo";
Secure File Upload Script in PHP
function Checkfiles1()
var fup = document.getElementById('image1');
var fileName = fup.value;
var ext = fileName.substring(fileName.lastIndexOf('.') + 1);
if(ext == "gif" || ext == "GIF" || ext == "JPEG" || ext == "jpeg" || ext == "jpg" || ext == "JPG" || ext == "PNG" || ext == "png")
return true;
alert("Upload Gif or Jpg or png images only");
return false;
function validate(){
var mar=true;
var image = document.frm.image1.value;
if(image == "")
mar = false;
alert("Select your image");
return mar;
<h2>Secure image upload with random salt</h2>
<form name='frm' method='post' enctype="multipart/form-data" onsubmit='return validate();'>
Upload Image» <input type='file' name='image1' id='image1' onchange='Checkfiles1();'><br/>
<br/r><input type='submit' name='Submit' value='Upload'>
<a href='images/'>Check Uploaded Image</a>
Create the images folder
Live Demo
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